An overview of the works on this site
A brief rationale of the works produced in relation to my travels through the Indian Sub continent. The content in the form of photographs were taken throughout 2017-2018 travels, though the relief sculptures were crafted prior to the trip. As a body of work it also reflects my numerous previous sojourns to India, that began in 1984.
A series of 25 large canvasses and numerous small.
The stylistic elements derives from a variety of traditions that inform representation and reality. Tiny photographs resemble medieval miniatures that addresses a solitary contemplative state. Also inspirations from multi-panel paintings, where a thematic narrative style elludes to subjective multiple viewpoints. Travels to the classic port town, of Mammalapuram Tamil Nadu, inspired relief carving through the use of vinyl blocks that are traditionally used to produce prints. The backdrop paint on fibre glass canvas is derived through the use of low grade acrylic paints that are then given an upgrade through the use of powder thickeners and glue. This gives greater scope for textures to be developed on the surface, subsequently sealed with a resin based polymer coat. A contingent flow coat resin with pigment gives contrast to a drab naturalism, reflecting the surrounding landscape, as site specific forms of international life. A play with the traditional grotesque, albeit through the assemblage and framing of subjects, rather than the subject, which is contrasted through photographic elements that ostensibly give a sense of arbitrariness to the intentional state of the artifact as a form of cultural randomness inherent as properties of the process art.